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Waiting for June
Lifestyle and Daily Shenanigans with a dash of Nerd Appreciation thrown in.

Hello fellow earthlings. What's this? More apologies? Of course. Seriously though, I wish I could not be busy, but I've been running myself ragged again. Working out, job interviews, etcetera. Also, I'm coding a new layout. So, I've been running myself ragged lately with no time for blogging or even, sleep. In fact, in the last two days I've only gotten about 6 hours of sleep total (3 yesterday and 3 today). I don't think I'll be any less busy for the next couple weeks or so, even after the new layout goes up, because I have a bunch of other layouts and things to do. If I drift from this blog, it's not anything done purposely, cause I love this blog. So. That's a thing.

Today's post is all about cataching up on the July Journaling Challenge. I've missed about 12 days, not including today's, so this is going to be a massive text post with little bits and pieces of pictures here and there. If you wish to skip this post because it's text heavy, then feel free to do so.

Also, if you'd like to catch up on all the posts I've done for this challenge, feel free to do so.

On a side note, the title of this post was created by combining two songs by the amazing Two Door Cinema Club, "Next Year" and "Beacon", which I totally recommend you jamming out to.

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Hello fellow earthlings. I apologize for the lack of posting, but I've been busy typing up reviews and setting up scheduled posts for the blog so no one ever get tired of the blog and annoyed with always having to wait around. Also, I like to do these July Journaling posts when there are a couple days to do as some of the prompts have rather short answers. Again, if you'd like to catch up on all the posts I've done for this challenge, feel free to do so.

Anyway, the title of this post comes from two part song by Turn Off Your Television with the same name, which I totally recommend you listen to. Shockingly enough, I don't have much of a lead into this post so, this isn't as long as it normally is. Enjoy the post or feel free to skip it and wait it out.

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Before you proceed reading, please note that this is a scheduled post. Although this post is scheduled, this is not to say that this post is free of any mistakes be it grammatical, punctuational, or spelling and it is currently set to be posted on July 10, 2013 at 11:45PM.
Hey everyone! Another day, another blog post. I skipped yesterday because honestly, I was too tired to do anything. I was up for 20 hours before I fell asleep and I only managed two hours before I was up again. Then I just got really sluggish and bleh and I just lacked a whole lot of motivation. So, my apologies for that.

Today's post is a two-in-one post. The first half of this post is going to be a review that I've been swearing and meaning to do for months on end and that is a review of Fall Out Boy's latest album, Save Rock and Roll, which happens to be one of my most played albums in iTunes. In actuality, it not a complete review as much as it's an overview for a complete review to come. As for the second half, I'll be continuing what I started in my previous post and doing both days nine and ten from the July Journaling Challenge. To track my progress of this challenge as the month of July comes and goes, feel free to use this tag.

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Herro~ man, I can't even believe it is not only July, but eight days into July. I swear, it was my birthday and I was in bed, turning 20, and then I blinked and all of a sudden, it's July 8th. Like holy crap, this year is moving waaaay faster than I thought and soon, it'll be time for me to jump back into the hecticness that is life and school. Can you tell how bloody excited I'm not? ...cause I'm not. Well, that's a lie. I'm split, but whatever, we'll cross that bridge and discover ourselves when the time comes, right?

Before we properly jump into this post, I want to apologize. My lack of posting is due to extreme exhausting and being constantly dragged out with my mates. Also, I've been working out lately, so I've been coming home and passing out almost immediately. That's been a thing. Nonetheless, I've been neglecting the blog and a lot of my overall personal duties as of late and for that I apologize.

Also, I know that this post was supposed to be an introspective-ish post, but I've decided to hop on a bandwagon and instead do another daily post challenge. They are far too addicting to me and I do rather fancy doing these things to let you guys into glimpses of who I am, what I like/dislike, and how my inner workings are constructed. This time around, I'm doing the July Journaling Challenge which was created by Emily Jane and she is absolutely bloody adorable (and it's reflected on her blog), I recommend you take a gander over her blog. In actuality, I'm about 7 days late, so I'm playing catch up by doing all 7 previous days' prompts and today's prompts.

While some responses to the prompts might be longer and others may be shorter, this post'll be a text doozy with the occasional photo. Sorry, but not really sorry. If there's too much text here, you can skip this post and read my previous post or something else you fancy. Now, let's get into this, yes?

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