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Waiting for June
Lifestyle and Daily Shenanigans with a dash of Nerd Appreciation thrown in.
Promotional Poster: This image is a cut and slightly edited version of the poster image I found over at Film Equals. // view original here.

On Saturday, I went out with two of my good mates to the cinema partly because one of my mates wanted to see Prisoners, partly because we hadn't properly hung out with each other in a week or two, and partly because we wanted to hang out a couple more times before I moved a bit away. So, it was decided that day that we would head to the cinema. Initially, we were going to see Rush because that is what I, personally, wanted to see, but Prisoners was instead decided on. We opted to go to the 10:20 one which one of my mates, the time to work and change and grab us, and also gave me the time to hang out with a group of others.

When ten rolled around we headed out and of course, I made my friend make a pit stop so that I could hit up Starbucks and get a drink. Of course, the ride to Starbucks and then the cinema was filled with ridiculousness, but I can never properly explain it and it's better when seen for yourself. The movie started roughly around 10:35 and we left about 12:50 in the morning. I live tweeted about the movie for a good bit, but for a movie over 2 hours long, you can bet there's quite a lot left to say.


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There's no real lead into this post. Nothing intricate. I just needed a day where I wasn't posting about something extremely intense and time consuming and requiring some editing and colouring of pictures. So this is a late currents post since I'm behind on my Sunday one. Hopefully, I'll get out an Embarrassments + Currents post out this Wednesday so I'm back on a schedule.

Anyway, 가자!

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This post was supposed to be made two days ago, but I've been in and out and super exhausted since that point, so I haven't exactly had the time to sit down and type up a blog post as of yet. Now that I've gotten the time, I can sit down and share my amazing experience with you all.

Seeing as I took my flatmate NIL with me to the screening, before we start, I'd like direct you guys to NIL's post on this adventure if you would like to read it. Also, a huge “Thanks!” to both Klout and Warner Bros for giving me the opportunity and tickets to go see this movie and experience the awesomeness of it.

Now, let's jump into this post. 가자!

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So, today's a good day, I suppose. Well, okay. It's a good day for the blog and me as a blogger because I've been nominated for the The Liebster Award for the second time within a span of 7 months and that's amazing cause I sometimes think my blog's quality is shit. Nonetheless, I'm terribly, terribly thankful for it as I normally am when people compliment the blog or do things like nominate me for blogs. That being said, I'm only doing half of the requirements because of the fact that I was nominated previously. Technically, once you're nominated, you shouldn't do this again for a year or so, I think. Nonetheless, I enjoy doing this, so I'm doing it. As for the part I'm not doing, you'll see.

Also, I want to thank, Evelin Kivi for nominating me for the award. You're absolutely darling for doing so and I'm glad you find both my blog and I worthy enough for the nomination. And I want to thank the beautiful and positively nicely, Sinead for being the first person to give me Liebster award back in February. To read Evelin's Liebster post, click here.

Before we jump into this post, here's a couple songs for you to jam to while reading through this post. “Stardust” by MIKA, “Step With Me” by MIKA, “Lego House” (Live Billboard Awards @ 2013) by Ed Sheeran, “Autumn Leaves” by Ed Sheeran and “U.N.I” by Ed Sheeran. You're welcome.

Now, 가자!

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Good day, loves! Well, morning for me. I started typing up this post at about 8pm last night and I finished around 7:30 am (Eastern Standard Time of course) without any bit of sleep in between. So as I type this introduction, it's morning for me. But there's no rest for the wicked!

Before you jump into reading this, click that link up above and let MIKA's voice again guide you through this post like an angel of amazingness. Today's post is yet another review and that makes this my second review in a span of about two or so weeks...maybe not even that long. Not only is today's post a review, but there's a little something extra, a couple pictures, and a request for you lot's opinions towards the end, so make sure you read it all.

Now, I'm gonna end this intro and go pass out on my face. Remember to comment, share, and love this post anyway you can.


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Listen y'all, before you read this post, just go on ahead and click the song at the beginning of this post and jam to it. Of course they'll be a couple more links to songs throughout the post, but just listen to "Kick Ass (We Are Young)" first cause MIKA is godly and we are not worthy of that perfect ass vocal range. Yaaas. (If you can't view that link, click here.)

Anyway, I suppose I owe you lot an explanation as to why I've not been consistent with my postings yet again. Well, I won't go too in depth, but combine the fact that I'm looking for an apartment, packing, and cleaning with the fact that I'm updating the blog again by creating a new layout and you have a big ball of exhausted Yasu. Let's not even bother factoring in what a social life is cause I don't know at all. Seriously.

Nonetheless, today's post is a huge as mess of various things. The first part will be on the topic of Books and it stems from a Books Q&A I saw over at Water Painted Dreams. The second part an autumn blog tag that's now floating around. The third part is a different take on the currents that I normally do and inspiration is taken from Elise of Elise Dopson's third edition of Sunday Sum-Up. And as usual, the end all be all of this post will be my ranting and opinions and frustrations. I would say that profanity was going to be a thing, but I'm trying to cut down on it. So maybe not.

Man, these introductions to posts are getting longer. Can you imagine the massive text wall that's hiding beneath the read more?

[If you want to skip this post and read something that is more engaging, you should check out my last post: BA★STAR Stardust Loose Mineral Shadow Review.]


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Hey everyone! (I was sorely tempted to say "Konbankwanzakahmasuka, minna-san", but I didn't. You're welcome.) Now, before I properly jump into this post, I want to talk about something shortly. There was a post I made that I posted yesterday, but I quickly pulled it back in as a draft. If you managed to catch it before I retracted it, I apologize for the mistakes and intense amount of typos in that post and that was the reason I retracted it. The amount of typos and mistakes in the post made me cringe, so I decided to take it back and edit it. So if a post randomly pops up after this one, then you know why.

Now, that we have that all cleared up, let's talk about this post. Today's a bit of a shocking post, yeah? The last time I did a proper review was on March 23 with me reviewing EOS' Adult Red circle lenses and in that time, I just hadn't had the spark to do anything review related. It felt like I was completely turned away from everything I had grown accustomed to doing with this blog and it was a bit saddening. Deciding to change that, I stumbled upon Brand Backer, a site that helps fashion and beauty brands connect with bloggers in hopes of gaining more exposure, by chance and I thought this would be a perfect way to jump back into this.

가자! (Translation: Let's go!)

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