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Waiting for June
Lifestyle and Daily Shenanigans with a dash of Nerd Appreciation thrown in.
Review Products: These are the products I'll be reviewing in this post. Makeup Mist & Set, Daily Moisture Stick, and Mineral Infused Primer all by e.l.f cosmetics.

Yo minna! I'm so sorry. I was posting consistently and then I just poofed, however, I promise it was for good reasoning. Did you notice that we've gotten a new layout and a new blog url around here? Actually, I'm quite unhappy with the layout right now, but I felt like it was enough to get me through the next month or so. I felt so utterly rusty while coding this layout, but I hope you all enjoy it and dont find many problems. Also, noticed the new blog name? Humbled Waves. Ugh, I could not resist naming something after the amazing Turn Off Your Television, who I'll be doing a review of in the near future, and so I chose one of my favourite songs by them and gave it a more whimsical, Yasu-ish air to accompany this blog? Nonetheless. This blog is named after the song, "Humble Waves" and I absolutely adore it for several reasons. Listen to the song and if you know me, you'll definitely understand the love for this song.

Also, I turned 20 years old 5 days ago. So that's another reason for my absence. Just reveling in being one year closer to being able to legally drink here in America. Whooo. I have a post planned for turning twenty, but it'll come either sometime within the next two days or the next week depending on how my mind feels. And if you can't already tell, it's totally going to be a text heavy and more personal post.

Anyway, the layout and URL changes will be spoken about later on in this post. Did you read my last post when I mentioned that I had purchased a ton of e.l.f cosmetics? I finally got around to using some of these lovely products at a consistent manner and I can no do a proper review on a few of the products.

If you can't already tell from the image above, I'll be reviewing three products today. Those three products are e.l.f cosmetics' Makeup Mist & Set, Daily Moisture Stick, and the Mineral Infused Primer. So let's not waste anymore time and jump right into this, yes?

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Hello, there: I actually really liked this picture. I like the way the contacts look on me, I love the wig and I love how it's doing that cute subtle curl thing.

Yo! It's only 8 days left until my birthday, guys!! Honestly, I'm terribly excited for this birthday. I think because this is the most content I've been with myself and my life in such a long time. I've been more social and flirtatious, not to mention I've been more and more honest with myself and just...ugh, such a good feeling. On a side note, the title of today's post is the title of song by the band Turn Off Your Television which you can jam to by clicking here.

Anyway, if you can't tell by the title, today's post is a hauls posts! Yaaay. I'm going to warn you all now that this is a bit more picture heavy than normal and with the combination of it being text heavy also, if your computer runs slow...don't bother. There's a lot of e.l.f cosmetics involved, some food, my face, and other random goodies.

So let's jump right into this post, yeah?

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YOUNGBLOODS: I must say that I feel like I belong every time I put on this jacket. I feel like I'm a part of a group of people that mean something and a part of something that means a lot and almost everything. And so I'm happy. So here's to us, THE YOUNGBLOODS: the loners, the artists, the poets, the unheards, the one who are wild like the youngest of volcanoes

Yo, everyone!!! Before we start, make sure you have the song linked above playing as you read this post. Humor me. Plus, it adds to the whole vibe of the post. Today's post should have a much happier vibe that my previous post cause yesterday was such a banging day. If you don't know, I post my blog's late at night/early in the morning of the next day and so everything I talk about is mostly a day backwards unless said otherwise. Meaning, my mood from yesterday, is feeding into thi post because I blog as night falls and becomes early morning. Make sense? I hope so. 

Anyway, that's not important. You know what is? The fact that I'll be twenty in 11 fucking days. YAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS BIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!!!!!!!

Also, today's part is my final part of MMMIP (or My Month of May In Photos). If I find more May pictures, I'll toss the into posts randomly. Anyway, let's get this show underway.

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Hey, eveyone! Today's post is not going to be anything extravagant or important. I'm not really in the mood for anything happy and entertaining. E3 was amazing to watch, but something happened after I watched E3 that made my mood plummet horribly. So I'm not going to blabber too much or be as excited as I normally am. Instead, I'll be doing another tag. I'm sorry for my mood today, I promise I'll be better tomorrow, so just stick with me...yeah?

Today's tag will be the Seven Deadly Sins tag. It's a beauty based tag and since I'm not tagging anyone nor was I tagged, I'm going to bypass all of the rules and just jump right into it. If you do end up doing this tag, leave a comment below with a link to your post with this tag and I'll make sure to read it.

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Yo, minna! Today's a new day and you know what that means? Another day closer to my 20th birthday. I believe this link will describe me accurately. Yes? Yes.

Since I'm less exhausted today than I was yesterday, for this post, I'll be doing two tags. One is a thirteen question tag that I found on Heather's Of Beauty & Nothingness blog and the other is a five things tag I found over at the lovely Alexis' Sun Candy blog. Both are more personal type tags, but not too personal and we all know how much I love these types of tags.

So, let's jump right in, yeah?

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Today's Look: This has nothing to do with this post, but I feel like there hasn't been enough of my face on this blog lately. So I'm changing that right off the bat.
[If you're my friend on Facebook, you've probably already seen this. Can you tell that I'm totally loving this wig when it's straight?]

Hey everyone! I'm not gonna lie, I almost missed today's post. I had a lot of stuff to do today and I was running around like mad and now, I'm tired and several shades of exhausted. That being said, pardon any and all typos in my grammar or spelling today for I am way too lazy to go back and edit this right now. (I'll totally come back any edit it after a decent rest. Promise!)

So today's post, and the second post of mine for the blog hop #21daystilsummer, will be primarly a photo post. I meant to do this earlier, but life gets in the way and bleh. This is the first half of my take on My Month of May In Photos that follows up my A Month In Instagram: May Twenty Thirteen post. This is the first part of maybe two? I'm not quite sure cause I need to go over the pictures I took and see which fall under May and which I want to post up.

But anyway, let's jump into this, yeah?

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Yo, everyone! Today's the 6th and you know what that means? One day closer to me to being 20. Ayeeee! I'm pretty much gonna be like this for the next couple days. I hope y'all don't mind, alright? I'mma just hit my dougie every post from now until the 23rd. Speaking of posting everyday, have you lot noticed the title? I bet you're like, " Da fuck, Yasu?" Allow me to explain.

Well, let's start with this. For those who don't know, a blog hop is basically a massive posting of blog names/buttons and their URLs. The point of a blog hop is to encourage bloggers alike to look over others blogs in hopes of finding something they really enjoy. It's somewhat like a blogger's network but much lax and definitely more blogger-based in the ideals that most blog hops are hosted, co-hosted, and sponsored by bloggers themselves. Some blog hops have rules like following all the hosts, co-hosts, and sponsors, but some much like this particular blog hop on require you to only follow the host and comment saying you'll be doing the blog hop alongside leaving your link.

Now let's talk more about specifics. The title is #21daystilsummer which the title of a blog hop that I joined hosted by the lovely Oleah who's blog i found today, but I absolutely enjoy. Basically, she wanted to ty and set her blog hop apart from others by making it a blog that incorporates those blog every day for a certain number of day challenge. Frankly, I think it's a lovely idea and since I seem to miss the sign up date for others and she didn't have a sign up date set in stone, I was more than happy to jump on board. So from now until the 21st, I'll be blogging everyday with every post titled as #21daystilsummer. If you wanna join this blog hop, all the information can be found here.

And so let's just into today's post.

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I don't know how many of my reader know this, but in 19 days, I will be 20 years old. Yes, I'll officially be one step closer to 21 and I'll have to change everything from 19 to 20. I feel amazing about this. This is one of the few birthdays that I've just been so excited for my birthday to come. I think it's because thre is a possibility that I'll be spending a week in North Carolina with my wife, otto, and a mutual friend. So that's always fun.

Today's post though, if you can't already tell is my birthday wishlist. I'm not expecting anyone to really get me anything as I normally don't get things for my birthday, but I think that in the spirit of getting properly excited, I must do a wishlist...
However on the off hand that you feel like getting me something, <a href="">email me</a> to get my address.

Plus, it's been a while since I posted one of these. So yes. Continue past the jump to see some of the thing I crave, including: toy cameras, lipsticks, and polishes.

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